Seeds envelopes - free download

Free seed saving envelopes – download and print your own

I am one of those people who love all seasons. They all have their magic, smells, colours, and textures, and they all bring out different emotions in me. We are nearly at the end of autumn, and winter is just around the corner. It is the time for resting and restoring. This is a time when we also slow down. And I really look forward to a bit of downtime, reading a book by the fire or watching a movie all together, all snuggled up under a big blanket. Although there is still plenty to do, like cutting down some of the dead trees and generally tidying up places we haven’t got around to, it is also a time for planning the following year and making a list of all things that went well, and where we can improve, or we want to focus on next.

This is only our third winter in Italy, but it has been really full-on. Many mistakes have been made, but we have also made progress in other areas. It has been a challenging year for many reasons, but we got through it.

This is also when I start planning what I will grow in our allotment the following year. So, I spend a considerable amount of time going through my stash of seeds and websites to find varieties that I still need to try. I have to confess that I am a seedhaolic. Not only do I buy them (preferably heirloom varieties), but I absolutely love to collect them in the wild and, of course, from my own garden and vegetable patch. Many times, I have come back home with seeds spilling out of my pockets, only to leave them on my dresser for weeks because I couldn’t find a suitable container or didn’t have the patience to fold a piece of paper.

As I started going through my seeds yesterday, I decided it was time to make a little order, so I designed my own seed envelopes. I have printed a few so that I have them to hand when I need them, and I have no more excuses to leave them lying on my dresser, much to my hubby’s happiness.

I have made two different versions and I am posting the files here below, if you wish to make your own. Just print, cut, and glue… and stash away for when you need them.

My cat Freya trying to get her paws on some seeds.

Version 1

Version 2

Enjoy collecting!!

Home made Fire Cider recipe

November 27, 2023